Decision Analysis and Socio-economic Assessment
Prof. Dr. Sandra Venghaus
Decision Analysis and Socio-economic Assessment
Prof. Dr. Sandra Venghaus
Decision Analysis and Socio-Economic Assessment
Prof. Dr. Sandra Venghaus
Decision Analysis and Socio-Economic Assessment
Prof. Dr. Sandra Venghaus

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Liste offener Abschlussarbeitsthemen mit Kooperation






Exploring Product as a Service Business Cases at MCG.


With the rise of the circular economy and the increasing pressure on companies to reduce their environmental impact, new business models have emerged, including Product as a Service (PaaS). PaaS is a business model where the product is provided as a service to the customer, and the company retains ownership of the product, reducing the environmental impact and increasing the company's revenue streams. However, little is known about the implementation of PaaS in the chemical industry – especially in companies that are located in the middle of the value chain and supply their products via a C2C model. Objective: The objective of this study is to explore the implementation of several PaaS business models at MCG. The study aims to identify the key drivers, barriers, and success factors for implementing PaaS in our company.

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The study will use a mixed-methods approach, starting with a literature review to identify the key opportunities and challenges of implementing PaaS in a chemical company. This will be followed by interviews with key stakeholders in the company, including managers, employees, and customers, to gain a deeper understanding of the specific opportunities and challenges of implementing PaaS in the company. Additionally, a literature/web study will be performed to gain an understanding of the work our competitors are doing in this field. The data will be analyzed using a thematic analysis approach to identify key themes and patterns.   

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Expected outcomes:

The expected outcomes of this study are a better understanding of the implementation of PaaS at MCG, including the key drivers, barriers, and success factors. The study will provide insights for MCG on the potential benefits of implementing PaaS, such as improved customer satisfaction, increased revenue streams, and reduced environmental impact. The study will also help the company to identify and address the potential challenges of implementing PaaS, such as changes in business models, pricing structures, and customer relationships. The most promising PaaS business model will be studied in detail and a business case will be developed.  

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Venghaus, S.

Mitsubishi Chemical Group

Liste offener Abschlussarbeitsthemen





Future Developments of Sustainable Aviation Fuels in Europe: Country-Specific Market Analysis using Machine Learning


Political Discourse Analysis for Renewable Energies in Germany: Topic Modeling & Sentiment Analysis


Hydrogen National Strategies in Eruope: Shared Measures and Pontential Conflicts


Policy Effects on the Diffusion of Sustainable Aviation and Marine Fuels: A Complex Network Evolutionary Game


Policy Options to Mitigate the Fiscal Impact of Renewable Fuels in Aviation and Maritime


Agent-based Modeling of Adoption and Diffusion of Sustainable Marine Fuels within the FuelEU Maritime


Blockchain and Climate Neutrality: Theories, Practices and Visions


How are the contrasting features of cap and trade vs. carbon tax systems discussed in the economic literature and politically in the context of the Paris Agreement, the EU-ETS and the currently insufficient NDCs?

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In economics, cap and trade systems and a carbon tax are often considered as almost equivalent instruments. A fundamental difference between both approaches, however, exists in that in a tax system the right price needs to be politically determined while in a cap and trade system adequate CO2 cap – thus the acceptable emission level – must be adequately determined. Furthermore, in a tax system, the incentive for abatement does not depend on the level of emissions, while in a cap and trade system, the incentive is reduced, when unexpected emission reductions occur, and increased, if the emission level is high. The thesis should address the pros and cons with regard to both approaches discussed in the literature and provide a systematic overview of incentives between European, national and sub-national actors, focusing on incentives or disincentives of individuals for voluntary emission reductions as well as political incentives to achieve emission reductions by other means or to tighten the cap.

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The German ‘Energiewende’ – Between policy, power and the people

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The ‘Energiewende’ is Germany's energy transformation to a low-carbon, nuclear-free economy. In the past, this transformation has strongly been shaped by changing political interests and power constellations. Increasing international and social pressures continue to drive its implementation towards ever more ambitious targets. Given the scope of this transformation, it increasingly affects the daily lives of the people, industrial conditions in Germany, as well as the political opinion about its implementation. In this thesis, the focus shall be set on the social discourses, changing power constellations and external events that shape the Energiewende and lead to shifts in its implementation.

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The future of passenger transportation in Germany - Market regulation and the quantification of its impacts

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Passenger transportation has historically played an important and critical role in the transportation sector. In recent years, global targets and national regulations increasingly obligate changes in the different modes of transportation to meet the ecological, economic, and social sustainability objectives. This thesis addresses the role of market regulations in moving passenger transportation in Germany towards sustainability. To analyze the effectiveness of implemented market regulations, quantitative statistical methods can be used to derive the detailed impacts of each regulation. The findings can provide decision support for policy optimization.

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Viability of E-fuels for Climate-neutral Germany in 2045: Environmental and Economic Assessment of Current and 2045 Trends

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 While e-fuels offer a path towards large scale use of renewable electricity in transportation and improved energy security their economic effectiveness is unclear. Thus, a quantitative economic and environmental assessment of e-fuel production in Germany through different technologies (electrolysis technologies, and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis) using a specific renewable energy source. Economic and environmental assessment would be conducted based on the two scenarios: current and 2045 for various e-fuel production technologies with wind energy. Estimations on costs and environmental standards will evaluate the role of e-fuels as potential fuels in future mobility of Germany.   

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Marketing for a better world – what sustainability research can learn from innovation management

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Sustainability is a key driver of innovation for products, services, marketing approaches, and business models. In general, innovation management refers to the combination of mixed innovation processes, and change management of products, organizational services, business processes or consumer behavior. With the rise of sustainability as a conceptual framework for the future, a great capacity was created for novel products, organizational services and novel lifestyles. This thesis aims to study the role of sustainabilty and innovation management for marketing new products, organizational services as well as social innovations for a sustainable world.

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The logistics of food waste in a circular bioeconomy

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The reduction of food waste presents an essential aim for increasing both food security and environmental sustainability. At the same time, biological residues and food waste are increasingly explored and used as a possible resource for new bio-based products and the replacement of fossil resources in a sustainable bioeconomy. Since, however, biological residues often accrue at decentralized locations, the establishment of an infrastructure for collecting and transporting those biological resources will be of central concern. Aim of the proposed master thesis will thus be to develop a model for biological waste logistics.

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Towards a circular economy – narratives and their impacts on preference orders

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Circular and cascading resource utilization is considered a key cornerstone of the sustainability transformation. Whereas several studies have addressed specific product preferences and the related willingness-to-pay, little research has addressed the impact of a more comprehensive social sustainability transformation towards an economic system based on circular principles on the general preference order often considered as stable. Methods of empirical social research (e.g., stakeholder workshops, surveys) serve as viable methods to address this topic.

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A demand analysis for biofuels on a lignocellulosic basis

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Biofuels based on materials such as agricultural residues, herbaceous crops, short rotation woody crops, forestry residues, wastepaper and other wastes can be produced without creating undue competition for land and water use for food production. This is not the case for first-generation feedstock for biofuels that are primarily made from food crops. The aim of the bachelor or master thesis will be an analysis of how the demand for biofuels is expected to evolve under the consideration of different regulatory and competition scenarios.  

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Abgeschlossene Abschlussarbeiten



Stakeholders' Perception of Circular Economy in Mobility Sector of Germany


Towards Climate Neutrality by 2045: Fuel Planning for the Future Road Passenger Mobility Sector of Germany


Germany's transformation towards a CO2 neutral economy - The role of fossil fuels in the sustainable transportation sector


The German Energiewende – An Analysis of the Qualitative Targets Based on the Discourses in the German Bundestag